Monday, 21 November 2011

How time flies!

There I was thinking that it shouldn't take too long to knock off the account of my Coast to Coast walk.  At the rate I'm going it will take longer to blog than walk it!!

Only a few weeks ago the hills around this part of Tuscany had a bright red, gold and green overlay as Autumn was at its best.  The tree-lined road around our village was covered in crisp golden leaves, laying in drifts at the side of the road - it was wonderful to walk through kicking up the leaves, like being a child again.  The blue skies and warm days were starting to get an edge as the sharper nights set in for two or three weeks.  Then we had two days of rain and walking along the side of the road was like walking through a soggy bowl of cornflakes!!  Well the rain has gone and the  glorious colours are still there, and so is the account of my walk.

I have only managed to get as far as Stonethwaite in Borrowdale published, so still another 14 days to go - click the link on the right  'c2c Sept 2011 - What really happened, Part1 the Lake District' .  Please have patience.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

My Coast to Coast walk, September 2011

Nearly eight weeks after completing my c2c, I have finally got around to writing about how it really happened.  I think I have been suffering withdrawal symptoms from 16 days walking through such beautiful and awesome countryside - incomparable!  The 'How it really happened' page is no longer showing on the blog at the moment as it is in draft form, and I have only written about our attempt to get to St Bees!   Hopefully, I will have the first four days of the walk, with photos, written up this weekend (20th Nov.).