What also impresses me is the number, and size, of buildings en-route, principally churches, chapels, refuges and farmhouses. Examples taken from the trails, as if walking from Pescia or Collodi along the ridge to M. Battifolle, then to the Croce a Veglia and on to Lignana and Sorana are shown below:-
Chiesa S. Anna (about 7km from Pescia) above Pietrabuona
Capella della Mura, about 2km north of S. Anna - above Medicina
Madonna del Tamburrino on the slopes of M. Battifolle - above San Quirico
The refuge hut at Croce a Veglia - above Pontito
Maddonna delle Grazie, church above Pontito
Church on Lignana, also on the site of a medieval village - above Sorana