Hunters, men playing at soldiers in their jeeps travelling in convoy, spread out in military style charging through villages which still bear the scars of World War II - lest we forget, Where are they going? Into the woods to hunt families of cinghiali, wild boar, some of whom were put into the wild earlier in the year.
Macho drivers in camouflage clothing so that so that they cannot be seen in pursuit of the cinghiale but also it 'looks good'. Once in the woods they wear orange fluorescent over jackets, so that they don't shoot each other - pity! Sometimes they strap the largest of their 'conquests' to the 'roo bars on the lead vehicle.
Where do these great white hunters go for the rest of the year? They are the quiet inoffensive guys that you see sat in the bars and cafes in any village piazza.
Hopefully it should be all clear now.